Saturday, August 18, 2012

SH’MOT 12:1-2                                                                      COLOSSIANS 2:16, 17
B’MIDBAR 10:10; 28:1-15                                                   MATTITYAHU 6:9-13
D’VARIM 4:5, 6                                                                    MARK 11:25
SH’MU’EL ALEF 20:18-42                                                  REVELATION 21:1-22:5
YESHA’YAHU 66:1-24                                                       
TEHILLIM 104:1-35; 113:1-9; 114:1-8; 115:1-18; 116:1-19; 117:1, 2; 118:1-29; 148:1-6
Eternal YHWH, open my lips, that my mouth may declare your glory.  Blessed are You, YHWH Eloheinu, King of the universe whose word created the heavens and whose breath created all that they contain.  Blessed are You, YHWH Eloheinu and Elohim of our fathers, Ehlohay Avraham, Ehlohay Isaac and Ehlohay Yaakov, the great, mighty and awesome Elohim.  Who bestows grace and creates all, and remembers the righteousness of the Fathers, and brings a Redeemer to their children’s children, for His name’s sake with love.  Statues and seasons He set for them, which they should not deviate from their assigned task.  Happily, gladly they do the will of their Creator, whose work is dependable.  To the moon, He spoke: renew yourself, crown of glory for those who were born in the womb, who also are destined to be renewed and to extol their Creator for His glorious sovereignty.  O King, Helper, Savior and Shield, blessed are You, YHWH, Shield of Avraham.  Blessed are you, YHWH, who renews the months.
Blessed is your Molder; blessed is your Maker; blessed is your Owner;  blessed is your Creator.
Just as I dance towards you but cannot touch you, so may none of my enemies be able to touch me for evil.
Let fall upon them fear and terror; at the greatness of Your arm, let them be still as stone.
As stone let them be still, at your arm’s greatness; terror and fear, up on them let fall.
Yeshua, King of Israel, is alive and enduring.
May there be a good sign and a good fortune for us and all Israel.  Ahmain.
SHALOME ALECHEM (peace be with you)
ALECHEM SHALOM (upon you, peace)

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